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40 used Suzuki Across have been price checked

40 used Suzuki Across have been price checked

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Used Suzuki Across

Interested in getting a used hybrid car? Look no further than the Japanese Suzuki Across - an excellent choice! AutoUncle has 62 used Suzuki Acrosses for sale in the UK each one collected from an online marketplace or dealership website, ensuring you have nearly a total overview of all available used Suzuki Across for sale in the UK.

What is the price range for a used Suzuki Across?

At AutoUncle, you'll find a diverse variety of used Suzuki Across models that accommodate a diverse selection of budgetary demands. The listed prices for these pre-owned vehicles presently start as low as £24,995 and extend up to £40,500.

The cost of a pre-owned Suzuki Across is determined by several factors. Key contributing elements include what year the car is from, fuel consumption of the model, car mileage not to mention the level of equipment in the car.

For instance, a model that is younger with a lower number on the odometer, or higher-end models with more potent engines will generally fetch a higher price.

Growing trend towards hybrid vehicle utilization

The preference for hybrid cars in the UK owing to their fuel economy, lowered CO2 output compared to conventional cars, and the growing availability of electric charging options, in line with the country's environmental directives and tax breaks for environmentally friendly transport. The utilisation of hybrid vehicles like the Suzuki Across is central in evolving towards more ecologically sustainable and friendly commuting practices.

Browse AutoUncle's offerings of hybrid cars here

Upsides to investing in a used hybrid car

There are a lot of benefits of buying an hybrid car used. Benefits such as:

  1. Cost savings on purchase: Used hybrid vehicles often have a more budget-friendly price than new versions. The initial lower cost can enhance the accessibility of hybrids to a more diverse group of buyers.

  2. Environmental benefits: Hybrids produce fewer emissions than traditional petrol or diesel cars. Deciding on a used hybrid car reduces environmental consequences in contrast to buying a brand-new car, as the construction process, especially in the case of the battery, has a significant carbon impact.

  3. Fuel efficiency: Hybrid vehicles are recognised for their fuel economy, merging a petrol engine with an electric motor. This economical use of fuel can bring about significant savings in fuel costs over time.

  4. Technological features: Older hybrid models frequently include advanced features, affording a cutting-edge driving experience.

  5. Government incentives: In the UK, lower road taxation is typically applied to hybrid vehicles, attributed to their lesser CO2 emissions. Hybrids could be subject to lower or zero congestion fees in areas like central London, determined by their emission levels.

One of the most popular body types for the Suzuki Across is suv

The Suzuki Across is only available in the suv body type in the UK. SUV stands for Sport Utility Vehicle and represents one of the most sought-after car types in today's market. These vehicles are known for their versatility and elevated driving position, attributes that are particularly favoured by many motorists.

The bestselling colour is white

You can get the Suzuki Across in the following colours: white, red, blue, black, silver and grey.

AutoUncle currently offers a selection of 11 Suzuki Across models available in the white colour option for you to explore and choose from. The second most favoured colour choice is red with a selection of 9 cars, while blue secures the third spot with 8 car available.

Pros and cons of the colour white

White unquestionably exudes an air of elegance and timelessness, and it boasts its unique set of advantages. For example, white cars tend to reflect heat more effectively, keeping the interior cooler during hot weather. However, it's important to bear in mind that white is more prone to showing dirt, making regular washing a necessity to preserve both its immaculate appearance and the cooling benefits it offers within the cabin.

Popular alternative cars relevant for you if you are considering a Suzuki Across

Several vehicles that are similar to the Suzuki Across are available, with the following cars standing out as commendable substitutes for the Suzuki Across.

Top competitors to the Suzuki Across

  • Nissan Qashqai
  • Kia Sportage
  • Land Rover Range Rover evoque

The Nissan Qashqai emerges as the foremost choice when seeking an exceptional alternative to the Suzuki Across. You'll currently find an inventory of 8,486 of these cars available for sale on AutoUncle, with an average sale price of £8,486.

In the segment, the Kia Sportage notably captures attention as a preferred choice, presenting a considerable array of 5,221 units presently available for acquisition with an average sales price of £15,470. The Land Rover Range Rover evoque holds its ground as the third most attractive option with an average sales price of £16,995 and 5,068 units presently on offer in the UK. .

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