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1 used Gemballa GTR600 have been price checked

1 used Gemballa GTR600 have been price checked

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Detailed information about the Gemballa GTR600

Are you thinking of purchasing a used hybrid car? Look no further than the German Gemballa GTR600 - an excellent choice! AutoUncle has 1 used Gemballa GTR600s for sale in the UK.

What is the price of a used Gemballa GTR600?

The price for a previously owned Gemballa GTR600 on AutoUncle is £199,995. A used Gemballa GTR600 costs very different determined by primarily four factors: the year of manufacturing, fuel efficiency, the car's mileage not to mention the vehicle's equipment variant.

As an example, a newer model with fewer miles covered, or a high-end version boasting a potent engine, often fetches a top-tier price.

The Gemballa GTR600 only exists in the coupe body configuration

In the UK, the Gemballa GTR600 is exclusively offered in the coupe body style. Style and sporty driving take centre stage in a coupe, and this body type tends to have a tighter and stronger chassis than, for example, a sedan or an SUV. The model is best suited for people without children and others who travel light. It is usually more expensive than equivalent sedan or hatchback sister models.

Popular alternatives

Several vehicles that are similar to the Gemballa GTR600 are available, and the following cars in particular are good alternatives to the Gemballa GTR600.

Favored alternatives for the Gemballa GTR600

  • Audi TT
  • BMW 420
  • Mazda MX5

For those exploring alternatives to the Gemballa GTR600, the Audi TT distinguishes itself as the leading option. With an average sale price of £14,295 you can currently find 1,557 of these cars available for sale on AutoUncle.

The next best alternative car is the BMW 420 with 1,492 cars for sale at the moment and with an average sales price of £17,889. Another good choice for an alternative car is the Mazda MX5 with 732 cars for sale for the average price of £10,995. .

Considering more environmentally sound choices to the Gemballa GTR600?

Are you interested in the Gemballa GTR600, but also thinking about the switch to electric motoring? The Gemballa GTR600 hasn't been electrified. But if you're in the market for an electric vehicle that matches the calibre of the Gemballa GTR600, here are som few recommendations:

Haven't discovered an electric car that suits your preferences? Explore our entire assortment of electric cars here.