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1 used Austin Healey Frogeye have been price checked

1 used Austin Healey Frogeye have been price checked

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Are you in the market for a used Austin Healey Frogeye?

Are you thinking of purchasing a used hybrid car? Look no further than the British Austin Healey Frogeye - an excellent choice! AutoUncle has 1 used Austin Healey Frogeyes for sale in the UK.

What is the cost of a pre-owned Austin Healey Frogeye?

The selling price for a used Austin Healey Frogeye on AutoUncle is £21,950. The used car price for the British car can differ widely and depends on four primary factors: the year the model is from, fuel economy, how much the car's odometer reads together with trim level.

For example, a younger car with fewer miles on the odometer will generally cost more. Likewise, higher-end models with more luxurious features or more powerful engines will also carry a higher price tag.

The Austin Healey Frogeye is solely produced as a cabriolet

In the UK, the Austin Healey Frogeye is exclusively offered in the cabriolet body style. Cabrios and convertibles are a great way to add another dimension to the driving experience. Today, most cabrios can be driven year-round as the majority of models have really good hoods and weather gear. Beware that convertibles are typically heavier than normal cars. Because of the lack of roof, thickener is applied underneath the car to strengthen the chassis.

Popular alternatives

The Austin Healey Frogeye has some competing cars from the same segment, with the following cars standing out as commendable substitutes for the Austin Healey Frogeye.

Most popular alternatives to the Austin Healey Frogeye

  • Audi TT
  • BMW 420
  • Mazda MX5

With a current inventory of 1,557 available models on AutoUncle, the Audi TT firmly establishes itself as the premier alternative to the Austin Healey Frogeye. The Audi TT has an average price tag of £14,295.

In the segment, the BMW 420 notably captures attention as a preferred choice, presenting a considerable array of 1,492 units presently available for acquisition with an average sales price of £17,889. Another good choice for an alternative car is the Mazda MX5 with 732 cars for sale for the average price of £10,995. .

Considering more environmentally sound choices to the Austin Healey Frogeye?

Are you eyeing up the Austin Healey Frogeye, but also thinking about the switch to electric motoring? The Austin Healey Frogeye hasn’t been released as an electric vehicle. But if you're in the market for an electric vehicle in the same category as the Austin Healey Frogeye, here are some options for you:

Still searching for the ideal electric vehicle? Review our entire selection of electric cars here.