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1 used Jaguar XFR-S have been price checked

1 used Jaguar XFR-S have been price checked

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Are you in the market for a used Jaguar XFR-S?

Seeking the best value on a second-hand car? AutoUncle has 1 used Jaguar XFR-Ss for sale in the UK.

The cost of a pre-owned Jaguar XFR-S

A previously owned Jaguar XFR-S has a price tag of £21,490 on AutoUncle. The British car costs very different relying on mainly four factors: the year the model is from, the model's fuel consumption, how many miles it has travelled along with equipment.

For instance, a more recent model with limited mileage, or a premium variant featuring a powerful engine, typically commands a higher price.

Equipment for Jaguar XFR-S

The following equipment variants are the most populare ones for the Jaguar XFR-S:

While calculating the cost of a used Jaguar XFR-S, it's key to evaluate vehicles with equivalent engines and accessories. Otherwise, you might draw an inaccurate conclusion about which car to buy.

The sedan is a favoured body style for the Jaguar XFR-S in the UK

In the UK, the Jaguar XFR-S is exclusively offered in the sedan body style. Usually fitted with four doors, the saloon or sedan body type has been popular with families for a long time. With its versatile design, the saloon caters to a range of needs, from daily commutes to longer journeys, and remains a symbol of elegance and practicality in the automotive world.

Alternative options for those considering a Jaguar XFR-S

There exist multiple similar cars to the Jaguar XFR-S, with the following cars standing out as commendable substitutes for the Jaguar XFR-S.

Preferred alternatives to the Jaguar XFR-S

  • Audi A6
  • Vauxhall Insignia
  • BMW 520

With a current inventory of 2,214 available models on AutoUncle, the Audi A6 firmly establishes itself as the premier alternative to the Jaguar XFR-S. The Audi A6 boasts an average price tag of £22,700.

Another alternative car is the Vauxhall Insignia with 2,206 cars for sale at the moment and with an average sales price of £7,990. Another good choice for an alternative car is the BMW 520 with 1,791 cars for sale for the average price of £18,860. .

Contemplating the switch to an electric vehicle?

Are you looking at the Jaguar XFR-S, but at the same time, is the idea of an electric car appealing to you? The Jaguar XFR-S is not electrified. But should you be in the market for an electric vehicle that matches the calibre of the Jaguar XFR-S, these are some potential options:

Can't seem to locate an electric car that matches your needs?? Explore our entire selection of electric cars here.