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1 used Suzuki X-90 have been price checked

1 used Suzuki X-90 have been price checked

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Are you in the market for a used Suzuki X-90?

Are you thinking of buying a used medium sized family car? Then the Suzuki X-90 is a popular option. AutoUncle has 2 used Suzuki X-90 for sale in the United Kingdom, gathered from online marketplaces and different dealership websites, meaning you get almost a full listing of all pre-owned Suzuki X-90 for sale in the UK.

What is the price of a used Suzuki X-90

The Japanese car costs very different depending on primarily on four factors: what year the model is from, fuel efficiency of the car, how far the car has already travelled not to mention equipment.

The price of a used Suzuki X-90 ranges from £5,295 for the cheapest model to £5,295 for the latest and most well-equipped model.

The Suzuki X-90 exists exclusively in the coupe body type

Style and sporty driving take centre stage in a coupe, and this body type tends to have a tighter and stronger chassis than, for example, a sedan or an SUV. The model is best suited for people without children and others who travel light. It is usually more expensive than equivalent sedan or hatchback sister models.

Black is the most popular choice of colour

The current Suzuki X-90 is offered in 2 different colours, which is black and blue.

The colour black is the most commonly preferred option and AutoUncle has 1 cars for sale in that colour at the moment.

Black is the bestselling colour, but beware that it has some disadvantages. For one, scratches and dents are more visible on black cars than on light ones, and on top of that, they have a tendency to get quite hot during the summer.

The second most popular colour is blue with 1 cars for sale in the UK.

Popular alternatives to the Japanese Suzuki X-90

The Suzuki X-90 has several competing cars from the same segment and among the most popular alternatives to the Suzuki X-90 you will find the following cars.

Most popular alternatives to the Suzuki X-90

  • VW Golf
  • Ford Focus
  • Vauxhall Corsa
  • Mercedes A180

The bestselling small family car and the best alternative to the Suzuki X-90 is the VW Golf. There are 18,410 of this car for sale in the UK right now and the average selling price is £ 25,475.

The Ford Focus is the the second most popular car within the segment and you will find 16,708 cars for sale, and the 3rd most popular car in the segment is a Vauxhall Corsa. At AutoUncle you can currently find 12,703 of this car for sale.